Monday, February 28, 2011

Different Kinds of Groups for Mentoring

In Titus 2:2-3, Paul is exhorting Titus to "teach older men to be self-controlled, serious {sober-minded}, wise, strong in faith, in love, and in patience.  In the same way, teach older women to be holy in their behavior, not speaking against others or enslaved to too much wine, but teaching what is good."

Whoever is in a leadership position should be one who is mature in their relationship with God.  Mentoring is not passing on head-knowledge, but heart-revelation, and understanding.  Whatever one teaches should come from what they have walked out/walked through in their life.  Otherwise, all one can pass on to another is "theory."

Paul goes on to say in verses 4-6, "Then they can teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be wise, and pure, to be good workers at home, to be kind, and to yield to their husbands.  Then no one will be able to criticize the teaching God gave us. 

"In the same way, encourage young men to be wise.  In every way be an example of doing good deeds.  When you teach, do it with honesty, and seriousness..."

It is so important that people learn to get the written word into their heart so that what has been written combines with the Living Word within the Believer for revelation.  Mentoring is a great way to help people see "faith in action."  People can see by demonstration just what "Grace" working in and through someone looks like.  Hand's-on experiences really help bring the written Word to Life.

Here are some ideas for formulating some more kinds of groups for training/mentoring/discipling purposes:

A group of men can meet on Saturday morning, for example, for a "Men's Breakfast."  Is there someone that likes to cook "mens' breakfast food" in your group?  If not, breakfast items can be purchased.  Just do what works for the men you are considering meeting with.  As you eat, you could work through a Bible study, or talk about life issues that relate to the men in the group.  From questions, the leader can guide them through Grace Truths that are applicable for helping the men grow, and implement the truth into their life situations.  Of course praying together for each other is always a great idea.

Dates and times would need to fit the schedules of the men in the group.  Please, do not let this feel intimidating.  You can start with one male friend.  The two of you can meet regularly.  Find what works for the two of you and then just do it.  Over time, more men---even one at a time can be added.  Mentoring groups should stay small in number. No one can  mentor a large group of people.  If it grows, then look for one in your group who has been steadily growing.  With prayer, and direction from God, begin to equip your group for multiplication and then multiply allowing one you've trained to lead the other group. You may want to participate in his group for a time, then begin transitioning out of that group, allowing your 'student' to take the lead.  Multiplication into more groups rather than maintaining one group and becoming larger is the goal of mentoring relationships.  This releases more people into their purpose that God desires for them.


This is a great way to connect older men with the younger. Mike and I believe there is a strong need for Fathers and sons to be strengthened and encouraged.  The older men need to reach out to the younger.  Seldom will a younger one reach out to an older man.  Sons can be any age.  Young men need positive, solid, consistent role models.  So many men have had to "wing" it.  Praise God He trains anyone with a willing heart.  But, think how much more quickly the training can be done when there is a supportive group of people to help you grow, and avoid some of the mistakes that were made by the older men.

What about a "son" who has no father in the picture?  The beautiful thing about groups is that the make up is going to come from our own relationships.  If you know a young man who has no dad in his life or not one that is encouraging,  you can "adopt" him as your son.  I don't mean this literally.  At this type of group, you can be this young man's "dad."  You can influence him through a positive environment.  He needs to see positive men especially since he's experiencing a lack in this area.  With parental permission, when applicable, you can do this for another young man whose dad may be a great dad, but isn't open to spiritual things.  As long as he's okay with his son attending a group like this, bring him along and be his dad during your group time. 

Teaching the younger men some practical skills for their life is another way to train/disciple the younger.  Men tend to like to do things together.  Working on projects together is a great way to teach Kingdom Truths.  Jesus did this many, many times.  All kinds of possibilities abound.  


The same approach as what I mentioned regarding the men's group would apply.  Find  the time and place that will work for the woman/women you have in mind, then meet.  The group is a vehicle for providing an opportunity for people to come together to learn, and grow.  Experiencing God at work in their life and having the help of a leader to show them what's going on is so valuable and encouraging.  Experiencing love and encouragement from this small community of women, can help them begin to grasp just how loved and valued they are by God.  If you  have a desire to reach out to even one other woman, then seek God, and He will show you the way.  

If this is a new idea/experience for you, then you can just start with one lady.  Meet with someone you already know.  As you grow in doing this, then more can be invited.  Again, it's not the size that is important.  The focus is on the individuals that make up the group.  Large sized groups are not good for discipleship purposes. .


What I mentioned under the section  for the "Fathers and Sons" is still true for this category.  This is a great opportunity to teach some skills to the younger girls/ young women.  Through teaching necessary life skills, much about their relationship with God can be taught at the same time.  Ideas truly are endless.  Seek God.  Discover His plan and then move forward in it.  


Just as the name implies, this group meets with one or more fellow employees.  Meeting places could be in the break room, a restaurant, coffee shop, for a few examples.  The time could be before or after work, at lunchtime.  It's going to be when it works for all who want to be involved.  You could work through bible studies, or make it more lifestyle as in praying together and sharing Truth that pertains to what the other person(s) in the group may be dealing with in their personal lives.  Listening to the heart of people and discerning their need is important with any type of ministry.  If the Truth doesn't have application to people's lives the information will stay information, and will have the tendency to be quickly forgotten.

My purpose is to stir up ideas to help you see who is in your world, already, and needs to know Who and what you know so they can grow and live abundantly in their earthlife experience.

I encourage you not to view this as a "small" ministry.  Home group/small group ministry is dynamic, and full of power. People are impacted for lasting change by the fact that it can be more personally tailored and suited for all of the participants.  Small group focus is in equipping people to be sent out and birth another small group. Multiplication spreads the Gospel faster and with less effort on the part of each leader.