“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart.” Prov. 22:6
Have you known people who, from your perspective, raised their children in the things of God and taught them to get to know God, for themselves, yet in some instances, this verse appears as if it’s not true? I know I have.
Anytime I have experienced something that makes it seem like there must be a mistake in the Word of God, I let it cause me to become like a “Spiritual Scientist.” Seeking God and searching the Word to discover what I am not understanding becomes paramount to me. Recently, I have received a great revelation that has application for me, so thought I’d share a little of my story.
God has blessed me with three children. All three of them were seers from birth. One of our children was born seeing, and gifted in discerning spirits. At that time, nearly thirty years ago, my husband and I were completely unaware of these types of giftings, and missed so many things for which we now wish we’d had greater understanding. We began learning about the spirit realm about the time our oldest was entering high school. A real blessing is that through them and their conversations, my eyes were opened to how I was gifted that I’d simply thought was normal for everyone. God will show us anytime we are ready and willing to learn.
Because of the particular destiny placed by God into one of our children, we were ‘at odds’ you might say, from Day 1. This person’s “bent” is to go INTO ALL of the “world” (meaning the typical places that lost people tend to hang out), and reach people with the unconditional love, and compassion of God via prophetic words, dream interpretation, healing, signs and wonders. My husband, and I are destined to NOT go into ALL of the ‘world’, but to go into the CHURCH and help equip people to know who they are in Christ, know what they have, in Him, and how to experience all that is theirs, so they can disciple and equip others.
All of my life, I lived walking in the way I was gifted—though unaware. I simply ‘knew’ which way to go, which places to AVOID and so on. All of my ‘evangelical’ attempts never seemed to ‘work’ because everyone I came in contact with were already saved, and were simply needing some counsel, insight, or encouragement. We were set up for a clash. My husband and I were trying to teach our child to avoid situations, to avoid certain types of people, and so on. We took advantage of all kinds of Christian types of experiences, but never understood why there seemed to be an element of resistance in some ways.
Our focus overshadowed the way God had created our child to be. Now, we understand that we dropped -the-ball by not providing the appropriate mentoring experiences by people who were involved in street ministry via prophetic words of encouragement, sharing the interpretation of their dreams, laying hands on the sick, seeing them recover and the like.
I am thankful that there is “therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ.” Rom. 8:1 for even though we missed the way this one was wired, there has been a lot of Truth implanted. God is THE GREAT TEACHER and will make sure our children get what we failed to give them, and in that, they will know God in the way that is uniquely theirs..
I have been a dreamer my whole life. God used my chidren’s dreams, from a very early age, to cause me to pay closer attention to my own dreams and stirred a strong desire for me to learn how to discern what they mean. Through this, God opened opportunities for me to learn about prophetic street evangelism. I am hooked, even though I’m primarily called to Discipleship Ministry, and mentoring leaders.
In spite of my ignorance, opportunities now abound for our child and many others to be involved with people on- the- street/in workplaces, etc. to give words of encouragement for everyday Grace-Living.
Check out my friend Mary Ann Kotch's dream web-site--linked on my blog-- and take advantage of all she offers to help you learn how God can, and does speak to us through dreams and visions. I encourage you, as parents, to listen to God regarding His plans for your children. Get them involved with trusted mentors as early as is reasonable and appropriate so they can mature and become equipped to better flow in the things of God for blessing, encouraging, and healing others.