Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tired, Achy Muscles? I Have What I Consider THE Best Stess-Relieving Product Recommendation

Stiff neck?  Tired, achy feet? Tired, sore, achy shoulders?  Achy Back?  If any of these strikes a cord with you, you will LOVE this item.  It's like acupuncture combined with deep tissue massage.

It's called the Hand-held Massage XP III
This little hand-held controller has a wide range of  strength.  The re-usable stimulation pads can be place any where you desire to relieve tension and pain. Bio-electrical signals are sent directly to the desired muscle for relief.  And, the controller is smaller than my cell phone!!

For use on your feet, you'll need to order special one-size-fits-all shoes to which the leads will attach.  Pure heaven is what I experience.  It's a different feel than what you may be accustomed to, but the after affects are pure relaxation.  Can you tell I LOVE it?

If you are interested and want to know more, you can find it here:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Seek God for Your Child's Direction While They are Young

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart.”  Prov.  22:6
Have you known people who, from your perspective, raised their children in the things of God and taught them to get to know God, for themselves, yet in some instances, this verse appears as if it’s not true?  I know I have.

Anytime I have experienced something that makes it seem like there must be a mistake in the Word of God, I let it cause me to become like a “Spiritual Scientist.”  Seeking God and searching the Word to discover what I am not understanding becomes paramount to me.  Recently, I have received a great revelation that has application for me, so thought I’d share a little of my story.

God has blessed me with three children.  All three of them were seers from birth.  One of our children was born seeing, and gifted in discerning spirits.  At that time, nearly thirty years ago, my husband and I were completely unaware of these types of giftings, and missed so many things for which we now wish we’d had greater understanding.  We began learning about the spirit realm about the time our oldest was entering high school.  A real blessing is that through them and their conversations, my eyes were opened to how I was gifted that I’d simply thought was normal for everyone.  God will show us anytime we are ready and willing to learn.

Because of the particular destiny placed by God into one of our children, we were ‘at odds’ you might say, from Day 1.  This person’s “bent” is to go INTO ALL of the “world” (meaning the typical places that lost people tend to hang out), and reach people with the unconditional love, and compassion of God via prophetic words, dream interpretation, healing, signs and wonders.  My husband, and I are destined to NOT go into ALL of the ‘world’, but to go into the CHURCH and help equip people to know who they are in Christ, know what they have, in Him, and how to  experience all that is theirs, so they can disciple and equip others.

All of my life, I lived walking in the way I was gifted—though unaware.   I simply ‘knew’ which way to go, which places to AVOID and so on.  All of my ‘evangelical’ attempts never seemed to ‘work’ because everyone I came in contact with were already saved, and were simply needing some counsel,  insight, or encouragement.  We were set up for a clash.  My husband and I were trying to teach our child to avoid situations, to avoid certain types of people, and so on.  We took advantage of all kinds of Christian types of  experiences, but never understood why there seemed to be an element of resistance in some ways.
Our focus overshadowed the way God had created our child to be.  Now, we understand that we dropped -the-ball by not providing the appropriate mentoring experiences by people who were involved in street ministry via prophetic words of encouragement, sharing the interpretation of their dreams, laying hands on the sick, seeing them recover and the like.
I am thankful that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ.”  Rom. 8:1 for even though we missed the way this one was wired, there has been a lot of Truth implanted.  God is THE GREAT TEACHER and will make sure our children get what we failed to give them, and in that, they will know God in the way that is uniquely theirs..
I have been a dreamer my whole life.  God used my chidren’s dreams, from a very early age, to cause me to pay closer attention to my own dreams and stirred a strong desire for me to learn how to discern what they mean.   Through this, God opened opportunities for me to learn about prophetic street evangelism.  I am hooked, even though I’m primarily called to Discipleship Ministry, and mentoring leaders.

In spite of my ignorance, opportunities now abound for our child and many others to be involved with people on- the- street/in workplaces, etc. to give words of encouragement for everyday Grace-Living.
Check out my friend Mary Ann Kotch's dream web-site--linked on my blog-- and take advantage of all she offers to help you learn how God can, and does speak to us through dreams and visions.  I encourage you, as parents, to listen to God regarding His plans for your children.  Get them involved with trusted mentors as early as is reasonable and appropriate so they can mature and become equipped to better flow in the things of God for blessing, encouraging, and healing others.

Monday, March 21, 2011


I am genuinely interested in walking in and helping others to walk in health and wholeness in Spirit, Soul, and Body. Since our Spirit is wall-to-wall God dwelling in us who lacks nothing, and is full of Life and Power, our Spirit is  already 100% completely healthy and whole. 
Our soul is our mind, (thinker), will (chooser), and emotions (feeler). It is in the process of being transformed to look like Who we are in our Spirit.  This is done by renewing our mind to the Truth of God's Word. 
Our body is our earthly house.  It needs to be healthy for the purpose of our being able to walk, and participate with God's desires as He lives in and through us to minister life, hope, and peace to others.  
Since I enjoy healthy eating, and exercise, as well as renewing my mind, and choosing to be led by the Spirit, I believe God has given me an acronym that is commonly used for physical health to apply to our Spiritual life:
F - FAITH  Hebrews 11: 1, "Faith means being sure of the things we hope for (expect to see/experience), and knowing that something is real even when we do not see it." v. 6, " Without faith no one can please God.  Anyone who comes to God must believe (have faith) that he is (present tense word) and that he rewards those who truly want to find him.
The just shall live by faith.  Hebrews 10:38, from Habakkuk 2:3-4.
What is Faith?  It is a hope, desire of some good with expectation of obtaining it;  trust; confidence; persuasion; conviction; belief; 
Faith and hope are for our life on earth. They will not be needed once we are living in Heaven.  
Everything we have in Christ starts with faith.  By faith (being fully persuaded and confident in the Truth that God does not lie) we "believe" that God has placed us in Him, and He is in us.  By faith, we believe that we are clothed in His Righteousness.  These are not things you can see with your human eye.  They exist in the realm of the unseen.  If you believe these things, and many, many more are true, that is only because you believe--you have faith.
Romans 10:17, "So faith comes by hearing the Good News and people hear the Good News when someone tells them about Christ." 
*Fitness tip:  Spiritually "fit"/healthy people pay attention to what they listen to. What you listen to is where your faith will be.
I - INTERDEPENDENT   A family is our first involvement in a community. All throughout Scripture we can see God's heart concerning groups of people.
"Exodus 6:7, "I will make you my own people, and I will be your God."   
In the early church, we see Believers gathering together, daily.
Acts 2:43b-47, "....and everyone  felt great respect for God.  All the believers were together and shared everything.  They would sell their land and the things they owned and then divide the money and give it to anyone who needed it.  The believers met together in the Temple every day.  They ate together in their homes, happy to share their food with joyful hearts.  They praised God and were liked by all the people.  Every day the Lord added those who were being saved to the group of believers.
Galatians 6:2  "By helping each other (within your group--reference to v.1),with your troubles, you truly obey the law of Christ.
We are to live totally dependent upon God.  Interdependence is being connected to others like links in a chain.  Wisdom is needed for what group(s) connections you should make.  Not all community groups are good, wholesome, and life-giving.  Ask God and let Him lead.   And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Ecclesiastes 4:12.
*Fitness tip:  Spiritually fit people find a healthy, supportive group, and avoid living in isolation.  They see the value of supporting and encouraging others, and receiving support when they are going through a difficult time.

T - TRAINING (discipleship/mentoring)  Matthew 28:19, "Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations...."  In order for someone to teach something, one has to have been taught.  No one can teach what they do not know.  The 12 disciples were all taught by Jesus before they were told to "Go, into all of the world."  Paul was taught by God, before God sent him into his arena for sharing the gospel. (2 Cor. 12:1-4).  He trained people who later were instrumental in training others.  Priscilla and Aquilla are two in particular that come to mind. 
Acts 28:26, "Apollos began to speak very boldly in the synagogue, and when Priscilla and Aquilla heard him, they took him to their home and helped him better understand the way of God."  
Barnabas taking John Mark aside to further equip and train is yet another example.  There are many instances that lead us to have confidence that this is part of the process of the Children of God maturing and becoming the Sons of God.
Being led by the Spirit of God to who it is He desires you to be mentored by is critical.  Not all teachers train others well.  If your heart is teachable, God will teach you however He has in mind.  Then, at some point, He will lead you to train others as you are willing.  We never outgrow being trained.

*Fitness tip:  Spiritually fit people place themselves under others as God leads them, to be trained.  In time, they begin training others while keeping wise counsel around them. (see Prov. 12:15b; Prov. 19:20). 

N - NETWORKING  (team work). Ephesians 2:10, "God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing."
No one will ever have all of the revelation on any topic.  Since God has designed us to be interdependent, He develops each of us uniquely for our own unique function for our life here on planet earth.  Not one person can be (nor should they even try to be) all things to all people.  For that reason, it is healthy to have relationships with many people, allowing God to lead in the formation of the right connections.  Having others around us who are stronger in areas where we may find ourselves lacking certain insight, and revelation is an asset.  Pride will keep us from forming these kinds of connections.  There needs to be no spirit of competition or insecurity.  We all are strong in what God has purposed and designed each of us for.  Blessing and encouraging each other is paramount in any of us walking out our own destinies.  God has planned for us to receive from each other as He inspires and directs.

Have you ever thought that if we each have the idea that we have to know everything and do/be everything, that it actually deprives others of having opportunities to walk out what God is desiring them to do?  It also contributes to our being a sort of "jack of all trades, yet master of none". If we each focus on letting God further develop our strengths, and let Him bring others into our lives who are strong where we are 'weak', everybody "wins" and there is no 'toilsome labor' involved. Everyone gets to do what they are good at and enjoy! 
*Fitness tip:  Spiritually healthy/fit people are confident in their own strengths with which God has equipped them.  Inviting others into their own spheres of influence to share insight they may not yet have received is not threatening to them.  Fit people remain teachable.

E - ENGAGE  as in "to mesh, involve, to induce to participate, to begin and carry on an enterprise or activity,
be or become in gear, committed to or supportive of a cause.  involved in activity.." 
God has chosen to place Himself in His children. His Spirit is joined to our soul, and makes us one--joined together--in Him.  In essence, we are "glued together."  We are no more two, but one. (See: Romans 6:1-5; 7:4; Eph. 2:5; Gal. 3:26-29.  We have been made one, AND we are in the process of learning to live, and move 'as one.'  A healthy marriage is an example.  We were made one in an instant.  And, we are in process all of the rest of our married life of learning how to function together as one unit, not two separate individuals living in the same house.  Have you noticed how couples who have been together for many years actually have taken on characteristics of each other?  Many times, they can finish each other's sentences because they intimately know the heart of the other person.  They can 'read' each other by simple movements or gestures by which guests can be amazed because they KNOW each other so well.
Likewise it is with our relationship with God.  We are one, and we are becoming one, at the same time.  We have to be trained to know and recognize His voice.  This is intimacy.  Through time spent with Him, we have our senses trained as well.  His unctions, our sense of "knowing" become more apparent to us, and we can know His desires at any moment.  It is from this place, faith is strengthened.  "The just (Believers) shall live by faith," as I shared above.

God has chosen to limit Himself by allowing us to choose whether or not we'll cooperate with His desires.  For example, He desires to minister to the mail person.  Well, He is not going to pick your body up and move it out the door toward the mailbox, and them force open your mouth to wiggle so His words come out in spite of you. Rather, He indicates His desire in unctions, pictures in your mind, a sense of knowing, or flat out direction.  Then, YOU decide if you are going to go out to the mailbox.  If you believe He is leading you, that is 'faith', in that you are persuaded that God wants you to be available to the mail person.  By faith, you continue believing that God will bring what He wants said, to your mind.  When things come to mind, by faith, you believe--are convinced, persuaded--that He wants you to open your mouth and let HIS words come out.  This can happen so quickly you may not recognize it.   Learning to cooperate with God is a life-long journey in learning to flow together 'as one'. 

*Fitness Tip:  Spiritually Healthy/Fit people know they are "one" in Christ, and they understand that there is also a continual growing in this oneness--just as in any healthy marriage, for example. Through spending quiet, intimate time together, they begin to understand how God speaks to them--they recognize His voice.  By faith, they believe they hear what He desires to do, and then they "engage" by cooperating with His desires.

S- SPIRIT EMPOWERED  1 Cor.2:10b-13,16, "The spirit searches out all things, even the deep things of God....Only a person's spirit that lives within him knows his thoughts.  It's the same with God.  No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God......but we received the Spirit that is from God so that we can know all that God has given us.  And we speak about these things, not with words taught us by human wisdom but with words taught us by the Spirit.  And so we explain spiritual truths to spiritual people.... Who has known the mind of the Lord?  Who has been able to teach him? BUT, we HAVE the MIND OF CHRIST."
The Spirit of God lives in every Believer.  We have His mind that is FULL of  Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom.  He speaks to us through a variety of ways. We are continually learning the many ways He speaks.  Being led by the Spirit of God is to seek His thoughts regarding anything and everything.  When we don't understand something, we ask Him.  When we don't know what to do, we ask Him to show us.  By faith, we listen with the intent of doing whatever we believe He speaks to us via the Word of God, by someone who just 'happens' to say something that gives us the information for which we were asking God, via a dream that contains the message for what we needed to know, through something in nature....etc.  Anytime you get an 'aha moment' about anything, is revelation.  If you aren't sure, check it with the written word. You many not find the exact word in Scripture, but you should find a premise, an application, or the like, that supports what you believe you heard.  Then, trust God..  When you are teachable you'll know when God may lead you to pull-back, or make a turn, so you just shift.  There's nothing to fear.  God wants you to understand Him more than YOU want to.  It's a walk by faith.  A child doesn't learn to walk completely independent of its parent overnight, so neither will any of us.  Falling down is part of learning.  Just get back up, ask God for further insight, instruction and have another go at it.  Never allow yourself to give up.

*Fitness Tip:  Spiritually healthy/fit people learn to walk by the Spirit.  They train their ears to hear God.  When they realize they have made an error, they stop, ask and listen to God for more instruction, then get up and go forward again.  They will not let mistakes hinder them.

S - SUCCESS  Psalm 1:2-3, "They love the Lord's teachings, and they think about those teaching day and night.  They are strong like a tree planted by a river.  The tree produces fruit in season and its leaves don't die.  EVERYTHING they do will succeed." 

 Romans 8:5b,"... But those who live following the Spirit are thinking about the things the Spirit wants them to do.....If {people's} thinking is controlled by the Spirit, there is life and peace.  14.  The true children of God (Sons) are those who let God's spirit lead them."

Living in peace is prosperity.  Prosperity is success.  When we live in peace, that is supernatural.  This world will not contribute to anyone living in peace.  At best, for increments of time, it may be possible, but that is peace dependent upon circumstances, situations.....things that are "happening."  Peace from God is in spite of what's happening.  As we allow God to give us direction, and we live and move as one in whatever we believe He is saying or leading us, we are experiencing God's success.  HE is the God of results, and we are not.  When we hear Him and cooperate with Him that is success.  The world or even other Believers may not see it that way  It is the opinion of God alone that matters. Each of us have to be settled in our mind that we heard God say something, and we chose to follow along with what He said, and not be swayed by anyone's opinions....not even our own.

*Fitness Tip:  Spiritually Healthy/Fit people live focused on God, actively listening to His Voice, meditating on His Words, and living and doing as they believe--by faith--God is leading them.  They know that God makes their way peaceful allowing them to experience His good success. 

I believe we all desire to be healthy and "fit".  A physically fit individual is continually training his/her muscles by working out.  They don't arrive at their goal, and then sit it out for the rest of their lives.  They remain active.  So it is in the Spiritual realm.  We continue to be trained, and train others.  Here's one last acronym:.   FIT:  FAITH IN TRAINING.  That is how we live our lives here.  We are in training for reigning with Jesus.  It's by faith that we are trained for all God desires.

*Fitness Tip:  Spiritually healthy/"fit" people continue to allow God to train them without becoming discouraged and giving up.  They stay the course and finish their race!


Monday, February 28, 2011

Different Kinds of Groups for Mentoring

In Titus 2:2-3, Paul is exhorting Titus to "teach older men to be self-controlled, serious {sober-minded}, wise, strong in faith, in love, and in patience.  In the same way, teach older women to be holy in their behavior, not speaking against others or enslaved to too much wine, but teaching what is good."

Whoever is in a leadership position should be one who is mature in their relationship with God.  Mentoring is not passing on head-knowledge, but heart-revelation, and understanding.  Whatever one teaches should come from what they have walked out/walked through in their life.  Otherwise, all one can pass on to another is "theory."

Paul goes on to say in verses 4-6, "Then they can teach the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be wise, and pure, to be good workers at home, to be kind, and to yield to their husbands.  Then no one will be able to criticize the teaching God gave us. 

"In the same way, encourage young men to be wise.  In every way be an example of doing good deeds.  When you teach, do it with honesty, and seriousness..."

It is so important that people learn to get the written word into their heart so that what has been written combines with the Living Word within the Believer for revelation.  Mentoring is a great way to help people see "faith in action."  People can see by demonstration just what "Grace" working in and through someone looks like.  Hand's-on experiences really help bring the written Word to Life.

Here are some ideas for formulating some more kinds of groups for training/mentoring/discipling purposes:

A group of men can meet on Saturday morning, for example, for a "Men's Breakfast."  Is there someone that likes to cook "mens' breakfast food" in your group?  If not, breakfast items can be purchased.  Just do what works for the men you are considering meeting with.  As you eat, you could work through a Bible study, or talk about life issues that relate to the men in the group.  From questions, the leader can guide them through Grace Truths that are applicable for helping the men grow, and implement the truth into their life situations.  Of course praying together for each other is always a great idea.

Dates and times would need to fit the schedules of the men in the group.  Please, do not let this feel intimidating.  You can start with one male friend.  The two of you can meet regularly.  Find what works for the two of you and then just do it.  Over time, more men---even one at a time can be added.  Mentoring groups should stay small in number. No one can  mentor a large group of people.  If it grows, then look for one in your group who has been steadily growing.  With prayer, and direction from God, begin to equip your group for multiplication and then multiply allowing one you've trained to lead the other group. You may want to participate in his group for a time, then begin transitioning out of that group, allowing your 'student' to take the lead.  Multiplication into more groups rather than maintaining one group and becoming larger is the goal of mentoring relationships.  This releases more people into their purpose that God desires for them.


This is a great way to connect older men with the younger. Mike and I believe there is a strong need for Fathers and sons to be strengthened and encouraged.  The older men need to reach out to the younger.  Seldom will a younger one reach out to an older man.  Sons can be any age.  Young men need positive, solid, consistent role models.  So many men have had to "wing" it.  Praise God He trains anyone with a willing heart.  But, think how much more quickly the training can be done when there is a supportive group of people to help you grow, and avoid some of the mistakes that were made by the older men.

What about a "son" who has no father in the picture?  The beautiful thing about groups is that the make up is going to come from our own relationships.  If you know a young man who has no dad in his life or not one that is encouraging,  you can "adopt" him as your son.  I don't mean this literally.  At this type of group, you can be this young man's "dad."  You can influence him through a positive environment.  He needs to see positive men especially since he's experiencing a lack in this area.  With parental permission, when applicable, you can do this for another young man whose dad may be a great dad, but isn't open to spiritual things.  As long as he's okay with his son attending a group like this, bring him along and be his dad during your group time. 

Teaching the younger men some practical skills for their life is another way to train/disciple the younger.  Men tend to like to do things together.  Working on projects together is a great way to teach Kingdom Truths.  Jesus did this many, many times.  All kinds of possibilities abound.  


The same approach as what I mentioned regarding the men's group would apply.  Find  the time and place that will work for the woman/women you have in mind, then meet.  The group is a vehicle for providing an opportunity for people to come together to learn, and grow.  Experiencing God at work in their life and having the help of a leader to show them what's going on is so valuable and encouraging.  Experiencing love and encouragement from this small community of women, can help them begin to grasp just how loved and valued they are by God.  If you  have a desire to reach out to even one other woman, then seek God, and He will show you the way.  

If this is a new idea/experience for you, then you can just start with one lady.  Meet with someone you already know.  As you grow in doing this, then more can be invited.  Again, it's not the size that is important.  The focus is on the individuals that make up the group.  Large sized groups are not good for discipleship purposes. .


What I mentioned under the section  for the "Fathers and Sons" is still true for this category.  This is a great opportunity to teach some skills to the younger girls/ young women.  Through teaching necessary life skills, much about their relationship with God can be taught at the same time.  Ideas truly are endless.  Seek God.  Discover His plan and then move forward in it.  


Just as the name implies, this group meets with one or more fellow employees.  Meeting places could be in the break room, a restaurant, coffee shop, for a few examples.  The time could be before or after work, at lunchtime.  It's going to be when it works for all who want to be involved.  You could work through bible studies, or make it more lifestyle as in praying together and sharing Truth that pertains to what the other person(s) in the group may be dealing with in their personal lives.  Listening to the heart of people and discerning their need is important with any type of ministry.  If the Truth doesn't have application to people's lives the information will stay information, and will have the tendency to be quickly forgotten.

My purpose is to stir up ideas to help you see who is in your world, already, and needs to know Who and what you know so they can grow and live abundantly in their earthlife experience.

I encourage you not to view this as a "small" ministry.  Home group/small group ministry is dynamic, and full of power. People are impacted for lasting change by the fact that it can be more personally tailored and suited for all of the participants.  Small group focus is in equipping people to be sent out and birth another small group. Multiplication spreads the Gospel faster and with less effort on the part of each leader.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Including and Involving Children in Your Home Group Meetings

Here are some things we did when our children were small, and some other ideas:

  • Our children would rotate taking turns answering the door.  For new guests, the greeter's task was to show them around the house:  the location of restrooms, the kitchen area for drinks, etc.
  • Our children would pass out napkins and serve cool drinks to our guests as was age-appropriate.They would "go and get" towels, or any other items that might be necessary from time-to-time.  These kinds of things were adapted, and the tasks increased as they got older.  
    • I put together a "Quiet Time" tote bag for each of our children, when they were toddler through grade 3, approximately. The items were selected, and tailored to fit their ages as they grew up. They were only allowed to have it and play with the contents at home group meetings.  During the week the bags  were put away, so the items stayed "new" to them.
    I made sure all of the items were non-messy and age-appropriate.  Each child had his or her own bag.  Inside were  washable crayons, color pencils, blank paper (as my children were not fond of coloring books), books,  blocks....whatever was not squeaky, or loud. 

    • Our children who were older would be a type of  Mommy's helper with younger children.  They would clean up, or get items for a new Mommy for example, or for a younger child.
    • During the meeting time, all of the children in attendance would sit on the floor with their quiet time items, and quietly color, read, listen and so on.  Neither my husband, Mike, nor I would allow them to disturb others.  We simply would pick up the child, or walk with them to another room and deal with whatever was necessary as it came up.  Each family oversaw the needs of their own children.  I realize there is 'work' involved, but when our children become trained, you, in essence, work yourself out of a job.
    • Sometimes, if the children were being "stretched" by longer meetings for any of a variety of reasons, we "moms" would rotate and take all of the kids into an appropriate back room.  The "mom-in-charge"  or  "dad-in-charge" would supervise the kids while they did something a little more physically active, but appropriate for the space.
    • For children who are around 4 and up:  they could be trained to pray for another one of the children.  If desired, the mom or dad-in-charge, could prepare a short applicable Bible truth that they can apply to the children's lives.  Teaching them about how much God loves them, their families, and friends.  The ideas truly are endless.  Children are good with supplying ideas.  
    • On nice weather days the children can go outside with supervision, and play games
    • Keep in mind, children have short attention spans.  Also, keep in mind, that not all topics are appropriate for little ears.  Some people in the group may be needing to talk through some personal issues or concerns, need some counsel, encouragement, or prayer.  Having a plan ahead-of-time is helpful .
    • When adults rotate overseeing children when appropriate, then no one will feel "burned out."  If enough people take turns, each one may only be having a turn once every couple of months or so.  This can be viewed as an opportunity to get to know the individual children.  Each person (or couple, or two women, or a responsible, mature teen-ager) "in charge" can pray and model that for the children, allowing them to pray for each other.  It can be a great opportunity to train children to care about their friends and pray for their friends' needs, or hurts.  Letting them experience the power of God moving in their lives at young ages is awesome.
      • From time to time, changing things up is good for everyone.  Home groups are a great way to disciple people.  Discipling involves learning what the written Word of God teaches, and more.  The "more" comes by way of the student seeing how the Word works in people's day-to-day lives.  Getting the Word off of the page, and connecting it with the Word Who lives in them is power for day-to-day "Life" flowing in being led by the Spirit.  As they say, "more is caught than taught."    
      Planning day trips or outdoor activities helps foster relationship building.  Opportunities to see the Life of Christ lived out in and through "ordinary" activities abound.  Jesus taught the Word, and His disciples saw Him "do" the Word.  They learned much through what they saw and heard Him do as he loved and extended life to all He came in contact with.

      This is not an exhaustive list. These are just some ideas to help you get started. 

        Sunday, February 20, 2011

        Mentoring Families

        In a recent conversation with my daughters I asked them what  particularly stood out to them as they thought  back though their years of  being involved in home groups.  I believe their first response was how much they respected, appreciated, and valued the "older" people (my peers) who took the time to reach out to them, and consider their thoughts about anything.  They loved being talked to as people rather than as children.  That the listener really connected with their heart as the girls shared their thoughts and ideas was of utmost importance to them, and has made a major impact on them to this day. Those memories still serve as a type of reference-point as they now seek to make heart-connections with others of various ages.

        Multi-generational home groups are something about which I'm particularly passionate.  I believe each person can learn much and value something from each generation. It's become more the norm for people to segregate into age groups.  Relating to people outside of of our own age groups seems to be something that is becoming a lost art. Perhaps through having a variety of ages of people meeting together, we can bridge the generations, encourage working together, as well as valuing the strengths that each age group brings.  For the purpose of clarity, I am not saying that people should never meet together with 'their own' ages. These types of relationships tend to form more naturally.  My intent rather is to share another viable option for consideration. 

        A multi-generational home group closely mirrors a family in its make up and its closeness. The older members help train the younger, and those who are younger can learn to respect and value the knowledge and wisdom that older people have gleaned simply by the fact that they have lived longer.
        Leviticus 19:32, "Show respect to old people;  stand up in their presence."
        Prov. 16:31, "Gray hair is like a crown of honor;  it is earned by living a good life."

        There are many things we can learn from those who have gone through some of the same situations we may be facing.  Knowing that they made it through is quite encouraging, and they can teach us how.  As they share some of their mistakes those who are younger have the opportunity of learning and being enabled to make fewer of their own.

        Children need good, solid, and strong mentors/teachers which a home group with a variety of ages could provide. It is wise to seek God's leading when considering who teaches them spiritual truths, or in selecting who is going to 'watch over them' in any particular setting that is chosen.  Children have value and  worth.   
        Psalm 127:3, "Children are an inheritance of the Lord.."

        God has plans, purpose, and destiny for our children.
        Psalm 139:13,15-16, "You made my whole being;  you formed me in my mother's body.  You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother's body.  When I was put there, You saw my body as it was formed.  All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.

        Jeremiah 29:11, "I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope (confidence) and a good future."

        Children bring a level of excitement, enthusiasm, and energy into the group.  They can help things not become stagnant.  In all, I believe multi-generational groups offer a sense of wholeness.  Each person will have many  opportunities to learn to set aside personal preferences b/c children are unpredictable, and spontaneous. And, there will be various needs that come up requiring a shift in focus. Flexibility is a great strength when it comes to home group ministry.

        Jesus became upset with people who were discouraging the children from coming to Him, and said this, 
        "Permit the children to come to Me;  do not hinder them;  for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I say to you, 'whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it at all."

        Unbelief is much more minimal in children unless they've had some unhealthy circumstances with which to deal. They believe what they are told.  Even if they've been abused, their tendency is still to believe what they hear. They simply believe and expect that it is, or will be according to what they were told.  This is something very precious. God is more able to be free to work through their lack of unbelief.  They can truly teach by example.

        Acts 2:17, "And your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams." 
        This verse is talking about the lack of maturity in the young versus the older.  And, about the different purposes for the age groups.

        Younger men are busy.  In Biblical times, they were the ones who went OUT to do battle.  They need quick, to-the-point instruction.  A vision is not about being awake or asleep, but it's about the 'clarity of the message' in that very little interpretation, if any is needed.  It simply 'is what it is."  People who are young in their faith do not have enough knowledge of the Word of God for in-depth metaphorical understanding...

        Older men are symbolic of those who have done their time in the trenches.  They are retired...they have more time to meditate, study, inquire of the Lord and allow Him to reveal Truth in layers. This is the nature of dreams.  They are more metaphoric.  They use biblical language to paint pictures that require understanding of those pictures.  They take more time to understand.  Dreaming in this passage is not used in reference to being lazy.

        To me this paints a beautiful picture of how the generations can work together.  We do this as families.  Since home groups are like "families" this type of ebb-and-flow, no competition relationship should be the norm.  It takes time to establish but it is so worth the time and effort spent to build relationships that are full of respect, love and life-giving.

        In Titus, we see the older women being encouraged to train the younger women in the things they need to learn.  I love this and have been fortunate to have had women (including my own mother)  in my life who  spent time with me, encouraged me, and taught me many life-skills.

        Here is an acronym that might be helpful:  F A M I L Y

        F- Focus on Father.  Help each person in your group grow in their relationship with God.
        A-Attend to the people.  Pay attention to and. listen with a heart that desires to understand them.

        M-Model meaningful relationship building.(think "Mom/Mothers"--healthy moms look for ways to "nurture" all of those in her family.)  Look for ways to get to know others in the group, outside of the group meeting times.  Find things in common, and do some of those things together. Perhaps someone in the group could teach a particular skill to another/others who would like to learn. 
        I-Interact/include participation by everyone.  Proactively look for ways to encourage participation.  Let children be involved in doing things that are suitable for their age.  They will feel involved when given a task that is "theirs." 

        L-Lifestyle of love:   Love each other, and live what you believe.  Be real.
        Y-Young at heart/fresh  Enjoy, laugh, do things together.  Go on outings.  Let kids pick sometimes from a 
         list of acceptable, do-able options  Keep your 'youth renewed' through times of refreshing.

        In my next post, I'll share some ideas for how to work with the children during your home group meetings.
        (c) Vanetta Stephens

        Friday, January 14, 2011

        Mentoring and Stay-at-Home "Moms"

         Let's say you really like the idea of mentoring--either facilitating or receiving- -but you're thinking, "I am a mom with little children.  I'd love to be involved, but what am I going to do with my children?"  If you have thoughts like those, then I'm glad you have chosen to read this blog.  I have some ideas that might help you or perhaps inspire you to create your own.  God gave you your child/children.  He has the way that will work for you to receive what you need.  I've made a list that you can read through, at the end of this post, and see what might work for you.  But, first there are some things I want to encourage you to keep in mind.

        Having realistic expectations are going to be important.  As a mom, especially of  young children, you won't have long segments of time to work with.  Generally, you will have bits of time throughout the day.  Maximizing the bits will be helpful for you.  Learning to be content with that will go a long way.

        You are only a mom for a short time in the grand scheme of things.  There will come a day when you can spend all of the time you want in the Word, and in being involved with mentoring relationships in some capacity.  For now, your children are your priority.  Actually, as a parent, you are their mentor.  As they grow and become more independent, other mentors will be involved in their lives.

        Unless you are new to an area, or you live isolated, think about other women you might already know or like to get to know. Are there any other young moms that you know who live near you?  Perhaps you attend the same church?  If you attend a gym, as an example, have you met any other moms there?   Who might you know already, or who might you like to get-to-know better?

        Starting with just a couple of other women is ideal.  When children are included, there will be a high level of potential distractions.  If you have never done anything like this, then my suggestion would be to just invite one mom, and her child/children.  Since your kids are going to be playing together, they'll need to get to know each other, too.  Keep these times simple, and see how things go. If you feel like God is saying to keep going, then  after a while, the two of you can think of another or couple of moms to invite, and repeat what you already did with each other

        If you already have someone, or a few women in mind, you can talk to them about getting together and see who might like the idea of getting together more regularly and formulate a plan for doing so.

        Since you are "moms", flexibility is going to be important to keep in mind.  Keeping things relaxed and informal will also help keep things light.  Since children do unexpected things, the less stressful the environment, and the lower the expectations for executing the plans to at "T", will be important to keep in mind.

        Within Home groups, a sense of community can be built.  It's like an extended family.Relationships with adult to adult, child to child, and adult to child can be formed more easily in a relaxed setting.  These relationships and bonds that form that can last a lifetime.  Keeping this "family" concept in mind can help those who participate become much more comfortable.  Keeping things simple and "real" will go a long way in helping people eventually feel they can begin to open up, or be more transparent. These community groups help get the concepts of God out of the Bible, and into our everyday experience. 

        Please keep in mind that the goal for any group leader/mentor is to keep the group safe.  People need to feel they are in a safe place before they will open up and become vulnerable. It is a huge honor when someone feels safe enough to open up to you.  Respecting the person(s) by maintaining confidentiality is extremely important.  Gossip kills trust!  Value trust, and encourage it in the very early stages of getting to know people.

        There are all kinds of ways to get together.  There is no one-size-fits-all.  Remember, also, that your children are going to be a part of this experience.  You're planting into them a taste for liking or not liking going places to talk about God.  Associations are made early in life.  Plant the idea that God is FUN while they are small.

        Consider places/activities that are enjoyable for the kids.  Places and ideas that don't take lots of prep work, supervision, or clean-up, when possible are good options.  Keep in mind, too, the ages and abilities of the children to avoid frustration for them and for you.  Let them have some time to work out some of their wiggles, and have their fun. It'll help them be more likely to do what you need them to, later, rather than the reverse.  Work with their wiggles. You can relax, after all you are with other moms.

        For the Bible study portion of your time together, keeping this time short and more to the point, allowing for some discussion is a good way to plan.  You might think along the lines of more of a 'devotional' style.  One mom can be designated as the "Mom-in-Charge" if any child needs attention during the discussion, and prayer/ministry time.  Each week a different "mom" can fulfill this role, so no mom misses every time.

        For the purpose of giving you some ideas, I've listed some things I have done, below.  Please feel encouraged to adapt any of these to your situation, or use them as inspiration for your own ideas. Every group is going to have its own unique characteristics  due to the personalities and gifts each person brings into the mix. 

        • I met other women with their children at a local park.  We each brought a snack or lunch for our own family. After the we ate, while the children played, we moms sat nearby and had our "Bible/Prayer" time..  Babies were on blankets near the moms while the toddlers played in the sand or on the park toys.  Occasionally, the moms would have to get up, leave the group of women, tend to their child/children, and return.  Remember, flexibility is important.  This is the life of a mom with younger children.   
        • I also met with women, and their children in homes.  Sometimes we rotated homes.  Sometimes, a certain woman would prefer using her home.  Just find what works without taxing anyone's energy.  At a home, our time was usually planned to coordinate with some play time, lunch, and nap time,depending on the ages of the children. .
        • Sometimes, one or another of us would suggest situations we were dealing with and wanted to apply Biblical knowledge, understanding to that situation.  We would look at related Scriptures. One or a few of us would share what 'we' were doing that might help someone with questions.  Other times, we'd have a short devotional, or someone would share what God had revealed to her as she read a passage. We'd share what we saw in that passage with each other.  We'd pray for one another and our families.
        •  If you are a home educating mom, like I was, then you may have older children that you would be bringing with you.  Incorporating them, as appropriate, is a great way to help them feel a part of the community.  God works in and  through our children, too.  I have been blessed many times by the words or comfort of a child
        • One group Bible focus centered around canning jars of jelly.  We moms met and brought kitchen items that would be needed and worked out the fruit purchase for the jelly ahead of time.  As was safe for the children and appropriate, we let them help with the various stages.  As we sterilized the jars, rings, and lids we shared with them what Paul explains in Ephesians 1:13- 14, "When you heard the true teaching--the Good News about your salvation--you believed in Christ.  And, in Christ, God put his special mark of ownership on you by giving you the Holy Spirit that He had promised.  That Holy Spirit is the guarantee that we will receive what God has promised for His people until God gives full freedom to those who are His--to bring praise to God's glory."  The children (and we moms too!) could see the clean jars being filled with jelly (picture of the Holy Spirit) and as the jar lids went on and the jars cooled, the children could see the indentation of the jar lids to indicate they were, indeed, sealed, keeping out bacteria and germs.  Though the jar might get into messy situations, the jelly and inside of the jar was never contaminated.   The special memories of our families coming together doing something practical and Spiritual are still with all of us today.
          • Children are going to be "wiggly", and not always cooperative with the "plan."  Learning to work with the wiggles is another important factor so you can stay in peace.  Depending on the age of the child, they can sit next to you, and color.  Playing with blocks or puzzles is another option. If age appropriate, they can play in a nearby room where you can see them and hear what's being shared.  An older child can "babysit" them nearby.  They can be great "helpers" for the younger children so the mom doesn't have to get up and down so often.  Rotations among the moms can be done, so no mom misses every time, if that is needed or helpful.  Loving the women and responding to legitimate needs is  mentoring.  Mentoring is for real LIFE.  We live in the real world.  People need to learn skills on many levels  for practical day-to-day life.   Mentoring helps give Life to theology.
          These are informal times of getting together.  I gave you the mental picture of a "family" as something to use for reference.  When you are with other moms, encourage each other to just be free to do whatever needs to be done.  There will be plenty of time to train the children in age-appropriate behaviors.  Love and patience will be required.  Paying attention to real needs, offering lots of love and encouragement along the way, go a long way.  So much is caught when we gather together.  I've learned many things in my life by simply watching how another person does things.  God speaks to us in ways we don't realize, or we take for granted.  I want to encourage you not to underestimate how powerful it is to share your life with another.  Focusing on form, and too many guidelines can cause you to miss out on wonderful teachable moments.

          Tuesday, January 4, 2011


          My husband and I have been privileged to have many mentors in our lives over the years.  Mentors are wonderful to have for several reasons. From our experience there are a couple of reasons that really stand out to us.  One is that as a student you can grow much more quickly any time the ratio of  teacher to pupil  is one-to-one, or one-to-a few.  The smaller ratio of teacher to student allows the teacher to target the student's needs more efficiently. The other benefit is that growth can and will take place much more quickly because the student can learn to avoid certain mistakes that the teacher had to learn the hard way.  We've still had difficult things to walk through on our journey through life, but far fewer than if we'd have had to learn everything the hard way.

          Mentors are helpful with academics.  Tutors, for example, are great resources for students needing or desiring a little more help in comprehending various subjects in their academic pursuits.  A wise student will carefully seek out and select someone in whom they feel they can trust and have confidence.  Knowing that their  mentor cares about, and respects them is probably the most critical or pivotal factor for the success of the relationship.

          Each of us are mentoring someone in our own spheres of influence whether or not we recognize it.  When you are at work, there are people around you who are observing how you walk through your day-- how you navigate through and accomplish your tasks.  Noticing how you interact with other people, whether other employees, or those with whom you conduct business, is happening even while completely unaware.
          If you are a parent, your children are learning all kinds of things from you everyday.

          The best way for someone to learn how to do something is by spending time with one who knows more than they do.  "More is caught than taught," they say.  So much more is being learned than what may be apparent on the surface.  Mentoring someone is a responsibility.  It's also something deliberately done.  There is a purpose for it.   So, does that mean a mentor has to be perfect?  No.  Does it mean they know and can teach another everything?  No.

          Two critical points for a mentor to keep in mind are that mistakes will be made, and the student will probably surpass the mentor's skills and also be mentored by another or others.

          No human ever lives mistake-free.  The issue isn't doing everything perfectly.  The biggest thing a mentor can teach is what to do when mistakes happen.  Even when a mentor deliberately makes a choice and carries out something that is wrong, it's what they do to try to right the wrong that will significantly impact their student. 
          No one can teach someone everything.  Each of us is limited in time and knowledge.  But, each of us knows something that can help another.  Focusing on sharing your strengths is key.  Your student will also see the weaknesses, but those will serve the student well.  They'll learn perfection is not the issue, and you'll stay off the pedestal they may have  been tempted to place you on.

          If a connection isn't made with the heart of the mentor, the student will not stay under them. The student most desires to know that you care about their success and you aren't threatened by their progression toward the day when they no longer need you.  This brings up issues in a potential mentor that need to be looked at and dealt with so that this relationship can function healthily.  Mentoring is not enabling.  A true mentor's heart is to help equip the student to do for his or herself.  You are in their life for a time, for a purpose, and then you'll send them on.  Hopefully, they will do for someone else what you have modeled and done for them.  And, so the cycle can continue.

          (c) Vanetta Stephens 01-04-11